Five Advantages of Wooden Furniture
Useful tips for
furniture cleaning
A wooden furniture is
like man. He lives and breathes.
So we have to
we respect it during its life, to take care of it and to clean it
in the best way, offering the care that will prolong his life.
We choose to clean it
correctly and at regular intervals, thus preventing wear and tear.
To clean wooden
and lacquered doors it is best not to use any kind
detergent, because it may contain various substances, not friendly to them
It is also common practice to clean the dust
using cleaners for furniture, but those that contain silicone will
penetrate the varnish layer and will reach the wood, making it impossible to
apply new varnish, if needed. So it would be good, yes
avoid and choose simpler and more natural ways, such as
for example plain lukewarm water or its combination with green soap, vinegar
The liquid green soap and
very good, soft sponge (vetex), is the best cleaning combination
of wooden furniture, while in the end, we always finish with a dry cloth
(soft in texture) to remove moisture from furniture.
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